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Airsoft T-Plugs gaining more territory!

Yes! This is awesome news from our partner Titan Power. For the first time in their history they sold more batteries with Airsoft T-Plugs than mini Tamiya’s! Both options are sold directly from the factory, now there is a clear winner. It is happening, the adoption is happening faster than we expected actually ๐Ÿ˜€ YES!

The initiative started short after IWA 2019, meanwhile we have some interesting statistics to share! That for the first time ever, Titan Power sold more Airsoft T-Plugs than Tamiya globally. T-Plugs are sold 18% more compare to mini tamiya, since the Version 7 launch at Shot Show (early januari 2020). 

Last year Airsoft T-Plugs was 37% of USA production, this year the T-Plug is 54% of our USA production! 

We are exited and happy to see the switch is happening, actually faster then we expected. A really great improvement for the Airsoft community and we are happy we could contribute to it. Besides, we also asked our Instagram fans, did you know already 80% of them already switched!? That’s awesome!

Titan Power – Idaho, USA

Thank you partners and players for all your support! The initiative started a movement of improvement, a movement that is irreversible, providing all players the performance they need. Soon we hope to announce even more partners!

Speaking of stats, did you know already 250.000 Airsoft T-Plugs are circulating worldwide. That’s a Quarter of a Million Airsoft T-Plugs! ๐Ÿ™‚

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