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500+ Airsoft Players signed our petition

For those who already signed, thanks for the support and keep rocking those Deans 🙂 Spread the word and ask all your fellow teammates to sign the petition. Together we can make this happen!

So why a petition? We created the petition to show the Airsoft industry that players are done with Tamiya Connectors. Please like to make the switch to Deans/T-Plugs as soon as possible. This will hopefully convince Airsoft Manufacturers the need is high, and they should start making plans to adopt Deans/T-Plug connectors.

Our ambition is to move the global Airsoft industry towards the (Airsoft) T-Plugs. And this petition certainly helps! The first 500 players signed up, and this is just the beginning. We aim for over 10.000 petition signatures in the future…

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