We are proud to announce our first local launch party, we start in Sweden, Europe!
Come and join us!
Next week, on August 24-25, 2019, you and your friends are most welcome to experience Airsoft at its best in Sweden. Frysen Airsoft organises one of the biggest events of the year in the Swedish Airsoft community; AirsoftCON 2019! This year again they expect over 1000 visitors over the weekend. What better place to launch our offline promotion campaign for the #PlayWithTPlugs initiative!
With help from Frysen Airsoft and Titan we will provide all players free Airsoft T-Plugs! And we will try to replace as many Tamiya’s connectors as we can. On the spot! No costs! At our booth you can also sign our online petition to support our initiative!
See you all in Sweden! We expect this to be a great succes, if so many more local launch parties will follow… Stay tuned!

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