Titan Power did share some stats recently about the battery packs they make for Airsoft. As Airsoft T-Plug partner, there are some interesting insights also regarding the popularity of Airsoft T-Plugs!
We would like to share some stats on our Airsoft battery packs. Data is YTD 2021, compared to the same period 2020. We will do this again on Jan 1st 2022.
– Deans popularity grows! Up 10% vs last year! Deans is 50% of our production last year vs 56% this year.
– 11.1v grows in popularity too, last year was 57% of production, this year 63%
Form factor (all as a % of Airsoft production):
– Nunchuck packs growing fast at +32%
– HPA packs up 191%!
Quite cool to see the growth in popularity of the Airsoft T-Plugs vs the old Tamiya connectors. Thanks for sharing these insights Titan Power!